Saturday, January 17, 2009

Almond Flakes

Actual batch

Trial batch

I had no plan to bake almond flakes for this chinese new year. But the idea came when i was searching for recipe to use up the 'by-product' left behind from the pineapple tart - the egg whites.

The making of the batter was really fast, it only took me about 15 minutes including preparing of the ingredients. While the most time consuming part was the baking. I could only bake 6 small pieces at a time due to the size of my baking pan. However, the whole process only took about 1 hour.

The trial batch was quite bad-looking, they were too thick with some of the parts burned while others remain pale. However, they taste really nice, so crispy and aromatic. I even range this higher than pineapple tart because it is full of almond (i just can't resist any nutty food).

But i am so sad when it comes to my actual batch. It has more pleasant out-look but the taste is not good. They are not so crispy. Perhaps it was due to the low temperature that i used. Pls, anyone, can you offer yourself to finish my product?


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